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Cluster Grouping Handbook

by Winebrenner, M.S., Susan | Brulles, Ph.D., Dina

In today s standards-driven era, how can teachers motivate and challenge gifted learners and ensure that all students reach their potential? This book provides a compelling answer: the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model (SCGM). The authors explain how the model differs from grouping practices of the past, and they present a roadmap for implementing, sustaining, and evaluating schoolwide cluster grouping. Practitioners will find a wealth of teacher-tested classroom strategies along with detailed information on identifying students for clusters, gaining support from parents, and providing ongoing professional development. Special attention is directed toward empowering gifted English language learners. The included CD-ROM (for Windows and Macintosh) features all of the reproducible forms from the book and a PowerPoint presentation designed for teacher in-service training. An essential resource for administrators, gifted education program directors, and classroom teachers.

Full Description:   

In today s standards-driven era, how can teachers motivate and challenge gifted learners and ensure that all students reach their potential? This book provides a compelling answer: the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model (SCGM). The authors explain how the model differs from grouping practices of the past, and they present a roadmap for implementing, sustaining, and evaluating schoolwide cluster grouping. Practitioners will find a wealth of teacher-tested classroom strategies along with detailed information on identifying students for clusters, gaining support from parents, and providing ongoing professional development. Special attention is directed toward empowering gifted English language learners. The included CD-ROM (for Windows and Macintosh) features all of the reproducible forms from the book and a PowerPoint presentation designed for teacher in-service training. An essential resource for administrators, gifted education program directors, and classroom teachers.

April 2008

ISBN: 9781575422794

Product Code:  649-26 List Price:  $39.99
GSA Price:  $36.74 Qty:        « Add to Cart